INSTITUTES/CENTRES > Institute of Mass Communication in Science & Technology :
The Institute of Mass Communication in Science & Technology was established in 1995 with the support of National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), D.S. T., Ministry of ,Science & Technology, Govt of India, New Delhi with the twin objectives of popularization of Science & Technology and stimulation of scientific temper among the masses. This programme was initiated by Prof. M.S. Sodha, FNA, former Vice-Chancellor, Lucknow University with active involvement of Prof. V.D. Gupta, Former Vice-Chancellor, Gorakhpur and Allahabad University. The Institute got strengthened under the leadership of Prof. Bhoomittra Dev, Former Vice-Chancellor, Rohilkhand and Gorakhpur University. To attain these objectives a Master's programme (M.Sc. Tech) consisting of three semesters was initiated with the intake capacity of 15 students from science post-graduate and graduates from the medical and engineering fields. The aim of this academic programme was to prepare Science & Technology Communicators, who could design, maintain and manage systems that ensured smooth flow of useful information from scientists & technologists to the Industry and Society.
To make this skill and job oriented academic programme more attractive, meaningful and market need oriented few modifications were made such as:
- The name of this programme changed to "M.Sc. in Mass Communication in Science & Technology" instead of M.Sc. (Tech.).
- To attract young dynamic and fresh talent the eligibility was brought to the level of graduation from Science, Medical and Engineering disciplines.
- The duration of 18 months was also changed to 2 years consisting of 4 semesters, each of 6 months duration.
- On the advice of University Grants Commission, New Delhi, the syllabus was extensively revised with the incorporation of employment and skill oriented topics such as, Computer education, Information technology, Advertising, Public Relations, Newspaper Management & Printing, Audio Visuals, Press laws, History, Philosophy and Popularization of Science & Technology.
Field work and Project were designed so as to educate the students with the practical knowledge and experience of Media, Computer and Science related activities. Preparation of experimental Newspaper/Tabloid bulletin, pamphlets etc. were also a part or academic exercise. The students have been regularly providing services of media-related jobs and managing various National and International Conferences, Symposia & Workshops etc. being organized by National Research laboratories, Govt. departments and NGOs e.g. 89th sessions of Indian Science Congress and various seminars hosted by different departments of Science faculty and other local CSIR Institutes were covered by our students by making reports, press-releases, pamphlets etc. They have worked on several projects based on various topics from Science & Technology field and also useful topics for the Society. Such work is under progress of population. This year Institute is also willing to extend the academic programme by enrolling students for PhD. in the subject. Active interactions being regularly organized between Scientists, Research labs and our students. The placement of our students has been satisfactory. Our students are getting employment in Media Houses, Corporate sectors and other organizations in India and Abroad. Our students have also been qualifying in U.G.C. NET examinations.